Track Days by Midnight Motorsports

sat10jul(jul 10)7:00 amsun11(jul 11)5:00 pmTrack Days by Midnight Motorsports

Event Details

This is the South (long) Track Layout for Both Days!


  • 2 day event. 4 run groups. Limited to ~15 car per group
  • 20 min session. The first group starts at 9am
  • 12pm-1pm lunch break
  • The last group ends at 5pm Sat & Sun.
  • Point by passing for all run groups.
  • Beginner, novice, intermediate passing in passing zones only.

Camping is included
Lunch, coffee, and snacks are included in both days.

Contact us if you have any questions.

Each ticket is per Driver – Not per car

ONLY 10 TICKETS AVAILABLE AT EARLY-BIRDS PRICE! Sold Out!! $335.00 Full weekend!


Single Day:
$195- Tier 1 price ends Jan 1st
$225- Tier 2 price ends Apr 1st
$249- Tier 3 price ends Jun 15th
$275- Tier 4 price to track day

Two day registration:

$355- Tier 1 price ends Jan 1st
$385- Tier 2 price ends Apr 1st
$419- Tier 3 price ends Jun 15th
$449- Tier 4 price to track day

Each ticket is per Driver – Not per car
Registration & run groups for both days (Sat & Sun):
-Track opens at 5PM on Friday night for anyone to come in early!
-Registration ‪starts at 7AM‬
-Drivers meeting is ‪at 8:15AM-8:45AM‬
We will have 4 groups
-Group 1 (Advance), Group 2 (Intermediate), Group 3 (Novice), Group 4 (Beginner)
-‪9AM‬ Group 2 will hit the track, then group 3, then group 4, then group 1 and so on.
-‪9AM‬ Instruction Session for all people in group 3 and 4 plus anyone interested.
Each session is 20min.
-Lunch break Saturday(‪12pm-1pm‬), Sun (11AM-12PM)  Lunch & beverages are provided.
-The last session is usually open for all groups.
-Around 6-7* of 20min sessions per group each day
-‪5PM‬ track closes. (You can camp, grill, bonfire, have fun!) ‪after 5pm on Saturday‬.

Tech Form

Level of Experience:


  • This group is for people that are new to OTD/HPDEs
  • You are learning the flags, hand signals, and track etiquette
  • You are new to driving on a road course and are also learning how to navigate the track.
  • You are primarily focused on your driving and performance.
  • You are learning to expand your focus to the Corner Marshals
  • You are reliant on Corner Marshals to let you know someone wants to pass.


  • Some experience – you have successfully completed 2-3 track days either here or at other tracks.
  • You are familiar with all of the flags and hand signals.
  • You are comfortable at speed on the track but still working on your line
  • You are gaining experience and  comfort with passing on long straights.
  • Your focus is expanding to include drivers behind you
  • You are less reliant on Corner Marshals letting you know someone wants to pass
  • You know what an “Apex” is.


  • You have multiple track days here or at other tracks
  • You know the flags and hand signals well enough to give a speech on them
  • You have experienced the limits of traction, and have some experience how to resume control
  • You are highly aware of all driver and Corner Marshal activity around you
  • You are genuinely surprised if a Corner Marshal has indicated a driver wants to pass and you were not aware of it.
  • You are learning how to execute passes on low speed turns.


  • You measure your OTD/HPDE experience by “Seasons”
  • You are comfortable passing/being passed at any point on this track
  • You are embarrassed if a Corner Marshal shows you a passing flag and you didn’t already have the passing zone picked out
  • You are capable of teaching flags and hand signals to a small group of people that do not speak your language.
  • Tires and brake pads have long ago become a known “expense” that is included in your household budget
  • You share knowledge with novice drivers on how to get started and improve their performance


JUL 10, 2021 7:00 am - JUL 11, 2021 5:00 pm