Lucas Oil School of Racing

tue04junAll Daywed05Lucas Oil School of Racing

Event Details

Basic, BasicPLUS & Advanced Lapping

Two eight-hour days of instruction combined with 5 hours of on-track time get you acclimated with the art and science of driving a modern race car. Plus you’ll go home with a complementary SD card with in-car video from your on-track sessions (not guaranteed). Successful completion of our Basic Racing School program qualifies you for our Advanced Racing School as well as an SCCA Novice Permit plus One Event credit towards your Full SCCA Competition License.

Our unique Basic+ Racing School features an accelerated, small-group format to get you up to speed – QUICKLY. In this unique format, we provide you all of the critical need-to-know from our Basic Racing School to prepare you for full course open lapping over the remainder of the sessions.

Advanced Lapping
Our Advanced Racing School features three 30-minute sessions on track per day, combined with coaching and one-on-one data debriefing, helping you find those elusive last few tenths and prepare you for the Lucas Oil Formula Car Race Series. Successful completion of our Advanced Racing School enables to you to apply for an SCCA Full Competition License.



JUN 4, 2024 - JUN 5, 2024 (All Day)