Formula Regional Americas Driver Jordan Missig, club member, radical champion, karting champion…well the list goes on and on.  Jordon started at the Club when he was just 17 years old.  The Autobahn County Club gave him endless seat time as he quickly excelled in karts then cars.  The Club offers so much in driving opportunities and he takes advantaged of them all.  The podcast first met Jordon when he along with his father joined the podcast in season 1 and we talked about how he got started racing and involved in the Club. In this show, we catch up with Jordan and discuss his transitions in driving and his current racing series Formula Regional Americas.

The podcast would like to announce that the next 2 shows will be with Autobahn County Club member Bobby Rahal in a 2-part in-depth interview, a first for the Podcast.  Mark your calendar as the Indy 500 will run Sunday August 23.  Do not miss this show or the next ones.  Subscribe to the podcast and listen to everything Autobahn every other Wednesday.  When you see me or producer Mark Macfarlane at the track, make sure you let us know what you think of the show!  And now let’s welcome Jordan Missig on the Autobahn Country Club Podcast.

Check out more about Jordan and watch is racing career at

Check out more about the series Jordan is driving in at

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