The podcast conducted its first in home interview as we traveled to Chris Kemp’s estate down in central Illinois.  Chris is a member and avid racer who spends as much time on 2 wheels as he does on 4.  He started out as a super moto KTM racer before moving to Radicals.  He also was the reason the Graybeal family joined the Autobahn Country Club, as one day while he was coaching me and my son on the motocross track, he mentioned that there is the great race club just up the road from our respective homes.  The podcast likes to go into interviews with as little background as possible on the guest, so the interviewer and the listeners are  in the interview on the same level.  This interview is quite different as the host and the guest go back almost 30 years.  And now welcome Chris Kemp to the Autobahn Country Club Podcast.

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