This exciting event will start with a light lunch and include classroom instruction, drills to build confidence in basic vehicle dynamics, a dedicated touring session, autocross, and a high speed lead follow session all in our Performance Fleet vehicles. The day will conclude with dinner and champagne in the members bar. The cost for the day will be $99 and is capped at 10 participants with members being able to bring one guest.

Please RSVP for yourself and any guest on the Autobahn Members App!

  • 10:30 am – Arrival, registration, Light lunch (charcuterie, fruit, sandwich etc),
  • 11:00 am- Drills, track & Autocross instruction in Clubhouse Garage
  • 12:00 pm – Drills on skid pad
  • 2:10 pm- Touring, 2, 15-min sessions using Performance Fleet vehicles
  • 2:45 pm- Autocross on skid pad using Performance Fleet vehicle
  • 4:30 pm- Lead/follow instruction Clubhouse Garage
  • 5:05 pm- Lead/follow using Performance Fleet vehicle
  • 5:45 pm- Dinner & cocktails