Calling all ladies! Next week is your chance to drive the track with the BEST Drivers at Autobahn Country Club. We hope you’ll join us for Ladies Day. This exciting event includes a light lunch, classroom instruction, drills, touring, autocross, and a high speed lead-follow session, all in Autobahn’s amazing Performance Fleet Vegicles.. Finish the day with dinner and champagne in the Members Bar. The cost is $99. This event is limited to 10 Drivers, and each participant can bring one guest. 

Please RSVP on the Autobahn Members App and let us know if you’ll be bringing a guest.

  • 10:30 am – Arrival, registration, Light lunch (charcuterie, fruit, sandwiches)
  • 11:00 am- Classroom instruction in Clubhouse Garage
  • 12:00 pm – Drills on Skid Pad
  • 2:10 pm- Touring, two 15-min sessions 
  • 2:45 pm- Autocross on Skid Pad using Performance Fleet vehicle
  • 4:30 pm- Lead/Follow instruction Clubhouse Garage
  • 5:05 pm- Lead/Follow using Performance Fleet vehicle
  • 5:45 pm- Dinner & Champagne Toast