The Indycar event at St Petersburg Florida last weekend had more than the usual Autobahn presence. In addition to Graham Rahal competing in the top series, the Mazda Road to Indy Pro Mazda series had two faces familiar to Autobahn members. Kevin Davis and Jeff Green each competed in the opening rounds of the series and have made plans to do more. These veterans of the Autobahn Member Racing League were both on pace right out of the box and had a great showing throughout the weekend.

[av_button label=’For a lap around the track Click Here ‘ link=’manually,′ link_target=’_blank’ size=’large’ position=’center’ icon_select=’yes’ icon_hover=’aviaTBicon_hover’ icon=’ue80d’ font=’entypo-fontello’ color=’custom’ custom_bg=’#ef6b00′ custom_font=’#ffffff’ av_uid=’av-5wwiwy’]

[av_button label=’To learn more about Kevin’s weekend Click Here ‘ link=’manually,’ link_target=’_blank’ size=’large’ position=’center’ icon_select=’yes’ icon_hover=’aviaTBicon_hover’ icon=’ue82a’ font=’entypo-fontello’ color=’custom’ custom_bg=’#ef6b00′ custom_font=’#ffffff’ av_uid=’av-4ylqr6′]

[av_button label=’To learn more about Jeff’s weekend Click Here ‘ link=’manually,’ link_target=’_blank’ size=’large’ position=’center’ icon_select=’yes’ icon_hover=’aviaTBicon_hover’ icon=’ue82a’ font=’entypo-fontello’ color=’custom’ custom_bg=’#ef6b00′ custom_font=’#ffffff’ av_uid=’av-319ln6′]