Porsche Ladies Driver Education

thu12junAll DayPorsche Ladies Driver Education


June 12, 2025 All Day

Event Details

Once again, PCA Chicago is hosting a Driver’s Education event dedicated to and for ladies. Have you ever wanted to try your hand at driving on the track but maybe had some reservations? What were they?

  • Too much testosterone at those male-dominated events
  • Don’t own a Porsche
  • Don’t have the need for speed
  • Don’t want to or are intimidated to drive partner’s Porsche
  • Don’t want partner’s judgement or advice about driving

Over the years, as we’ve encouraged women to come out and participate, these are the things we’ve heard.

Join us for our third annual Ladies’ Day Driver Education day. This year we will be driving the South Track at Autobahn Country Club.

Bring your Porsche sports car or non-Porsche sports car (electric and open-wheeled vehicles are not allowed) and experience what it is like to drive on the South track in Joliet, IL.

This event also has an online classroom session on Tuesday, June 3rd, starting at 7:00 PM where you will learn the basics of safely driving on a racetrack and what to expect during the event. If you have never driven on a racetrack, attending this session is highly recommended. Access information for attending the session will be emailed to new drivers in advance of the session.

This is an event just for ladies (18 or older with a valid driver’s license), run by ladies.

Please consider joining us. You never know, you may love it as we all do!